I installed KDE on my laptop recently and started playing around with plasmoids, small scripts for the plasma engine of KDE. Plasmoids are very versatile and very easy to program. KDE api gives you the possibility to choose among several script languages. As I became involved professionally with QML in the last years, I decided to use this markup language developed by the Qt people to program my first script.
My plasmoid is called wmip, sort of what’s my IP address, and it’s suppose to display your current IP address along with the Internet Service Provider.
First of all, this plasmoid lives in just one file: main.qml. I’ll cover the code step by step and explain later how to install it.
If you are just interested in the plasmoid itself you can get it from here.
I’ll just go over the basics of QML I needed for this example. There is many online resources if you want to dig into QML/javascript.
Programming our first plasmoid with QML/javascript
As every QML file, main.qml starts importing the needed headers:
import QtQuick 1.0;
It seems KDE4 only support QtQuick version 1.0 for plasmoids. I tried with 2.0 and it did not work.
Next, I defined the root element of type item and set the geometry 250 x 100. I also defined two string variables to store the IP address and the ISP.
Item {
width: 250
height: 100
property string ip: ""
property string isp: ""
And here is where the magic happens: The function * request()* accepts a url and a callback function as parameter. Basically, it makes a http request to the given url and each time the server responses, the function given as second argument (callback in this case) jumps into action. What does callback do? well, It assumes the response coming from the server is json-formatted, parses the query and isp values and assign them to the string ip and isp.
function callback(x){
if (x.responseText) {
var d = JSON.parse(x.responseText);
root.ip = d.query;
root.isp = d.isp;
function request(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = (function f() {callback(xhr)});
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
The json parsing is guarded by an if, the reason is that during the request, the function callback is called several times before the server delivered a response with text.
Note that callback get invoked asynchronously: The function request just set the property onreadystatechange to call callback on each response from server, but it does not invoke the function itself.
How’s all this started? Well I defined a timer element, which request the ip and isp once per minute by calling request(). Parameters are the url to the ip-api.com server, and the callback function.
Timer {
running: true
triggeredOnStart: true
interval: 60000
onTriggered: request('http://ip-api.com/json',callback)
The rest is just layout: 2 line of text to display the values inside a column element.
Text { text: "IP Address: "+root.ip }
Text { text: "ISP: "+root.isp }
The qml engine updates the texts each time ip and isp get new values. That’s the magic of declarative programming.
There are several ways to install our plasmoid. I’ll cover all I used during development and deployment:
I have the Qt framework installed, so I could use the qml standard viewer qmlviewer to launch the script:
<path/>qmlviewer main.qml
Which has the advantage you can use the standard output for debugging: Just add console.log(‘value to check’) anywhere inside a javascript block and you’ll get the logs.
Once the script behaves as expected, you can install it as plasmoid locally. For this we need to create a package.
First of all, we need a .desktop file. This is a kind of index for KDE to manage the plasmoid:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A widget in QML for getting the current IP address
X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Juan de Hoyos
The mos important keys to define here are X-Plasma-API, and X-Plasma-MainScript, which tells KDE what script to load and which type. For more information about .desktop files look up the KDE documentation online.
In my case, the package is a folder called wmip with the following structure:
Now that we have a package, we can register the plasmoid locally with plasmapkg:
plasmapgk --install wmip
And then go to your desktop, try to add a widget as usual and you should see the wmip available. Grab and drop it to the desktop and you’ll see it in action.
Obviously, if you plan to develop seriously you need a build tool. In my opinion, CMake is the best option. All you need is a CMakeLists file like this:
set(appName wmip)
find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
install(DIRECTORY wmip/
DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/plasma/plasmoids/${appName})
install(FILES wmip/metadata.desktop
DESTINATION ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR} RENAME plasma-applet-${appName}.desktop)
and now you can use cmake to generate the corresponding makefile and install the plasmoid:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` <path to CMakeLists.txt>
make all
sudo make install
and voilá, the plasmoid is installed.
Just to check if the plasmoid was correctly installed, run
plasmoidviewer --list
and you’ll get the list of plasmoid already registered. Now you can run
plasmoidviewer wmip
to launch the plasmoid from the command line. If everything work, the plasmoid is ready for getting a deserved place in your desktop.
That was all
If you want to save typing and get the all the files, go to my repository in GitHub. Feel free to download it and play around.
To know more, have a look to the KDE documentation